King Lion Ltd use premium quality raw leather which is purchased from reliable and well-known leather tanneries. We ensure international quality standards of leather when manufacturing leather goods. We continuously works to reach unmatched leather quality control standards and ensures that all leather goods are manufactured under the leather industry norms. The implementation of quality standards has helped us to meet the various demands of our customers, enabling us to achieve total customer satisfaction as we stand on all standards of quality control in the leather industry.
Our products are essentially handcrafted with care and attention to detail and we take equal care of our customers. The secret of our quality standards of leather lies in the experience, judgement and skills of our trained master craftsmen. As a quality control leather manufacturer, we also take care of proper packaging of leather goods. We use quality packaging materials such as gated boxes, cartons and dust bags. These packaging are available in various weights and capacities with appropriate labelling and information as per the customer’s convenience to match the standard of quality control in the leather industry.